Hello Bit!
Post by Bit TwisterPost by Bit TwisterI always do clean installs, so I resorted to writing
install/change scripts to make the numerous changes. I figured it was
easier to learn how to make the computer work for me instead of the
computer working me.
Ok, mythtv-setup and frontend ask for day one questions for DB access
id/pw. mythtv-setup asks/set where schedule is pulled from.
My pull_install script shuts down/starts backend and mysqld if rpms
are to be updated. Hindsight is wonderful since a mysql update
clobbered a running install.
Would need change in the sources to support Redhat types in place of
apt (and .deb) to use rpt etc.
Post by Bit TwisterI use mythtv-setup for database entry of tuners, storage
locations, channel selection, and whatnot.
Post by Bit TwisterWrote a script to get channels from my tuner, and write sql code
Post by Bit Twisterset desired channels visible or not and change underscore to
period in the display.
Sql script is pretty straight forward even if you have to manage it by hand. Snippet
$ head -17 channel_mtv.sql
use mythconverg ;
UPDATE channel
SET visible=0, useonairguide=0 ;
UPDATE channel
SET channum="4.1", visible=1
WHERE channum="4_1"
OR channum="4.1"
OR channum="4-1" ;
UPDATE channel
SET channum="5.4", visible=1
WHERE channum="5_4"
OR channum="5.4"
OR channum="5-4" ;
That looks like a good idea is there any chance of getting your scripts
that supports mythtv and build, updates etc ?
I notice that the packages in MGA uses mythtv v31 and I am currently
running v33 under ubuntu along with MySQL.
However, I am worried about using mariadb as I have had a number of issues
with it as it differs a lot in the mysql tables compared to MySQL as well
as requirements regarding passwords etc.
I did try and uninstall mariadb and install MySQL instead but found that
there are many other packages that insist on mariadb.
In many of these cases I cannot see any reason for it as there is no reason
for them to use it and looking at databases installed and running I can
only see the one that I set up for my own developed application which is a
full accounting system.
This I find very annoying to put it mildly as every distro build that uses
myth does use MySQL s0 have to assume that there is a good reason and I
cannot find one good reason for not using MySQL over mariadb and yes that
includes personal use as against commercial usage as both have the same
rules, i.e., personal is free to use but commercial is subject to a license
fee of one type or another depending on the level of support one wants from
the vendor.
Do you know of a way to swap out mariadb for MySQL that will not break
these other packages other than removing them ?
Post by Bit TwisterYep, I use three 40 gig partitions and just cycle through them on each
release. That gives me partitions for next, current, previous
installs, plus Cauldron. I also have a hotbu partition for backing up
the current "Production" install.
myth storage is on a separate partition. Install script adds links to
storage directories.
I am going to 'asssume' that the mga install will allow me to repartition
the M.2 SSD into say 60Gb partitions so I can create three extras with one
for v8 and a reserve for v9 as and when it comes out but with a copy of v8
and one spare for testing maybe with a pre copy of v8.
Post by Bit Twister$ ls -l /var/lib/mythtv/ total 20K
drwxr-xr-x 3 mythtv mythtv 4.0K Dec 25 03:56 .
drwxr-xr-x 65 root root 4.0K Feb 23 04:16 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 14 Apr 9 2021 3rdParty ->
/myth/3rdParty lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 45 Apr 9 2021
Antenna.xmltv ->
var/lib/mythtv/.xmltv/tv_grab_zz_sdjson.conf lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv
mythtv 13 Apr 9 2021 Banners -> /myth/Banners lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv
mythtv 10 Apr 9 2021 bkup -> /myth/bkup lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv
mythtv 11 Apr 9 2021 cache -> /myth/cache lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv
mythtv 14 Apr 9 2021 channels -> /myth/channels -rw------- 1
mythtv mythtv 619 Dec 25 03:56 config.xml lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv
14 Apr 9 2021 Coverart -> /myth/Coverart lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv
12 Apr 9 2021 Fanart -> /myth/Fanart lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv
12 Apr 9 2021 LiveTV -> /myth/LiveTV lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv
11 Apr 9 2021 Music -> /myth/Music lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 14
Apr 9 2021 MusicArt -> /myth/MusicArt lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv
17 Apr 9 2021 MythBrowser -> /myth/MythBrowser lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv
mythtv 17 Apr 9 2021 Photographs -> /myth/Photographs lrwxrwxrwx
1 mythtv mythtv 16 Apr 9 2021 recordings ->
/myth/recordings lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 17 Apr 9 2021
Screenshots -> /myth/Screenshots lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 11 Apr
9 2021 Shows -> /myth/Shows lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 12 Apr 9
2021 themes -> /myth/themes lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 9 Apr 9
2021 tmp -> /myth/tmp lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 14 Apr 9 2021
Trailers -> /myth/Trailers lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 10 Apr 10
2021 Videos -> /misc/mpeg drwxr-xr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4.0K Jun 27
2021 .xmltv -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 133 Apr 9 2021
Here I have two HDD's as sda and b with sda as storage of mythtv recordings
and videos (and all the other required directories.
sdb for me and setting up etc, such as my TV tuner and the required v4l
driver / kernel modules, although this includes all of the v4l
contributions and this comes from the TBS website.
I do have to install all the kernel headers at the same time as the kernel
and on the basis that updates to the kernel adds in the new headers etc.
This way I just recompile the v4l modules with a make yesallconfig (or
allyesconfig) to rebuild it for all installed kernels. Then run a sudo
make install to insert them into
Well that's the I have done it since ubuntu 14.04 without issues but with
the latest 22.04.1 the sound configuration does not find any options for
HDMI and I am fairly sure this happens after I install the v4l stuff as I
am reasonably positive that before I installed them I did have HDMI
Post by Bit TwisterAre you using v9 (cooker) for this or v8 ?
Current DB is mga8. I am in the process of modifying all scripts to
conform to bash coding standards pointed out by shellcheck. Once
completed I will run through testing them on mga9. Primary
"Production" mode is mga9.
If v9, is it stable enough ?
Well there have been lots of updates. Running Xfce as my Desktop
Environment. Now that mga9 is frozen there will not be as much rpm
I will keep fully clear of v9 for the moment as I tend not to do a system
update until it has been out for 3 - 6 months to minimise the bugs.
Habit of many, many years go back to mainframe updates where all had to be
fully tested before and I am now way past that sell by date :(
I have downloaded mga v8 so just have to find a working solution to
creating a USB stick for it to use for install.
Seams to be a restricted list of what will work but have grabbed ISOdumper
to try ?
I will send a email to you using my primary address if you can provide the
scripts etc as gmail is a bit restrictive in attachment sizes.