Post by Gilberto F da SilvaAfter installing Magia 9 and restarts the computer, GRUB only shows the
Mageia distribution is available. The other two distributions installed
on the same computer do not appear.
I use the Legacy system at BIOS.
Mageia 9 is only an alpha, and problems can be expected. If Legacy GRUB
is even available, don't use it; use Grub2. Grub2 has a thing called
os-prober, which looks for other distros, so it needs to be active. In
If that is set to TRUE, it may be the cause of your problem, but I doubt
it; it never is. File bug reports.
I found out what was wrong. Mageia 9 was installed on a GPT partitioned
disk. I erased the entire disk and partitioned it MSDOS style.
How unfortunate. I partition all my drives as GPT.
That allows me to Partition Label and Name all partitions.
I then use the Name to mount everything and can re-format and move partitions
around without having to modify /etc/fstab.
$ cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=cauldron / ext4 relatime,acl 1 1
LABEL=accounts /accounts ext4 relatime,acl 1 2
LABEL=BOOT_EFI /boot/EFI vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 1 2
LABEL=local /local ext4 relatime,acl 1 2
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
LABEL=spare /spare ext4 relatime,acl 1 2
PARTLABEL=swap swap swap defaults,nofail 0 0
Using Partition Label and Name also makes it easy for scripting disk work and
to see/find where everything is located.
sda disk 1.8T
├─sda1 part ext4 39.1G mga8 mga8
├─sda2 part ext4 39.1G mga6 mga6
├─sda3 part ext4 / 40G 19.5G 17.6G cauldron cauldron
├─sda4 part ext4 40G cauldron_bkup cauldron_bkup
├─sda5 part ext4 40G net_ins net_ins
├─sda6 part ext4 40G net_ins_bkup net_ins_bkup
├─sda7 part ext4 20G bk_up bk_up
├─sda8 part ext4 /accounts 30G 24.5G 3.3G accounts accounts
├─sda9 part vfat /boot/EFI 300M 299.2M 168K BOOT_EFI boot_efi
├─sda10 part ext4 40G pop pop
├─sda11 part swap [SWAP] 3.9G swap swap
├─sda12 part 1M bios_grub
├─sda14 part ext4 /local 7.8G 6.9G 773.7M local local
├─sda15 part ext4 600M
├─sda16 part ext4 40G hotbu hotbu
├─sda17 part ext4 /spare 68.4G 11.2G 55.5G spare spare
├─sda18 part ext4 39.1G mga7 mga7
├─sda19 part ext4 /vmguest 390.6G 195.3G 187.8G vmguest vmguest
├─sda20 part ext4 /myth 390.6G 363.9G 28K myth myth
├─sda21 part ext4 /misc 73.2G 49.1G 22.4G misc misc