Post by Doug LaidlawYes, they are about 4.7 GiB, but there were two items that seemed to be
normal ISOs. KDE is still trying to be as repulsive as possible. Unlike
Windows, there is no way they can force me to use it.
I asked the developer that puts the isos together about how the size of
the Lives has grown, and he told me much of that is coming from the
"nonfree" firmware needed for hardware, both new and older, to function
with them in Live mode. In particular he blamed new firmware from
nVidia, but that's not the only culprit.
As for Plasma, well, to each his own. I still like it with Mageia 8, but
that may be because I prefer to make the effort to learn how to work
with it than to make the effort to learn how to like Xfce. I dislike
Gnome with a passion, though some Gnome apps are OK.
Or maybe it's because I've been using KDE/Plasma since starting Linux
with Mandrake over 20 years ago, and I'm just used to it.