On Tue, 04 Jun 2024 00:15:54 -0400, Gilberto F da Silva
Post by Gilberto F da SilvaWhen I add net.ifnames = 0 to the kernel through grub-customizer
the network names are WLAN0 and ETH0, not those enigmatic names
that differ between distributions. The problem is that the
connection no longer works.
After changing the kernel command line to have net.ifnames=0, the
interface name has to be changed in the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg- files.
Rename the ifcfg-e* to ifcfg-eth0, and the ifcfg-w* file to
ifcfg-wlan0, and then edit those files to change the DEVICE= line
to match the interface name.
Regards, Dave Hodgins
Unfortunately this didn't work. I looked several times to see if I
hadn't made a mistake in the file names and if the content was
correct. I also restarted the computer but I was unable to make it
work as desired.
Even reading an explanatory text explaining why there was this weird
change in network names, I couldn't understand it. This has always
caused me problems due to my habit of keeping more than one
distribution installed on my computer.
I had to edit my superkaramba theme to have it monitoring the network.
Superkaramba is dead software, you once said. What did I do? I started
using conky. I looked for a theme I liked, edited a few things and
started using it. Recently it stopped working, more precisely, it
stopped showing the graphics.
A friend had recommended that I test TDE Trinity. To my surprise it
contains superkaramba and it works. TDE is bad however, it is a way to
have a system monitor using superkaramba since conky is no longer workin
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Gilberto F da Silva