If you Run a TBS DVB-T2 TV card.
(too old to reply)
2023-08-16 17:56:15 UTC
You will know that every time a new Kernel is installed, the old kernel
media modules must be destroyed while booted into the old kernel.
Then after rebooting into the new kernel, new modules must be compiled.
It is a pain in the proverbial a..e.

So I developed a script to automate the process. Read the instructions
at the top if you plan to use it. There is no guarantee that it is
perfect but I have tested it but on;ly on Mint 21.1

Here it is:

sname="Install Open Source TBS drivers (tbs_osrcupdate-07).sh"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script automates the process of installing dtivers for TBS TV cards
# such as TS-6280, TBS-6281 etc, particularly following a kernel update.
# It is a two-pass process. Start it while running the original kernel.
# Following a reboot into the new kernel, run it again.
# Created by Alan Secker 2023, based on an open source script provided by
# TBS. It has only been tested in Linux Mint 21.1 but should run on any
# Linux system provided the kernel hearders or sources for the new kernel
# have been downloaded and installed.
# No warranties are given. Run it at your own risk.
# =================================================
# Before running this script:
# 1) Create a directory TBS-TV in your home directory
# 2) Move this script to ~/TBS-TV.
# 3) Make this script executable by running "chmod+x tbs_oscrupdate.sh"
# from a terminal prompt ($) without the quotes.
# 4) If not already installed, from a terminal, run sudo apt install git

mkdir -p /home/$USER/tmp

## function disp {
disp() {
echo "$1"
read -p " Press Enter to continue"
# read -rsn1

echo ""
echo "$sname"
echo ""

# If the passflag file exists, we have rebooted, if not continue with
# First Pass.

if ! [ -f "$passflag" ]; then

# First Pass
# ----------
echo " Ensure the running kernel is the OLD kernel"
echo " Here is alist of all the installed kernels"
dpkg --list | grep linux-image
echo " You must be running the old kernel."
echo " Compare with the running kernel."
uname -mrs
read -p " Press Enter to continue"
echo "If it is not the old kernel, press R to reboot but remember"
echo "to hold down the shift key as the system comes up in order to"
echo "get into GRUB. Once there select the second option to arrive"
echo "at the list of kernels. Select the previous kernel"
echo " or ENTER to continue"

read -r -n 1 nkey

# Note the ^^ case modification operator

if [ "${nkey^^}" = "R" ]; then
sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now

# Create a flag file to confirm we are in the correct kernel.

echo " " > "$passflag"

echo "OK it is the old kernel we are going to delete modules"
echo "from the old kernel"

#"Check for /home/$USER/Programs/tbstv

if cd /opt
disp "About to delete /opt/media and /opt/media_build and contents"
sudo rm -Rf /opt/media
sudo rm -Rf /opt/media_build
disp " About to delete old driver modules"
sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/"$(uname -r)"/kernel/drivers/media
# else

# Reboot into new kernel

echo ""
disp " Reboot into new kernel prior to second pass"

# Second Pass - after reboot
# --------------------------

disp "Delete passflag"

rm "$passflag"

cd /opt

disp "After deleting $passflag, download TBS open source driver"
# read -p "Press Space-Bar to continue"

disp "git clone https://github.com/tbsdtv/media_build.git"
sudo git clone https://github.com/tbsdtv/media_build.git
disp "git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tbsdtv/linux_media.git -b latest ./media"
sudo git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/tbsdtv/linux_media.git -b latest ./media

disp "Now change to /opt/media_build"

# cd media_build
cd media_build || { echo "media_build not found"; exit 1; }

disp "Next run make dir DIR=../media"

sudo make dir DIR=../media
disp "Next run make allyesconfig"
sudo make allyesconfig

sudo sed -i -r 's/(^CONFIG.*_RC.*=)./\1n/g' v4l/.config
sudo sed -i -r 's/(^CONFIG.*_IR.*=)./\1n/g' v4l/.config

disp "About to run make -j4"

if ! sudo make -j4
echo "make failed"
read -p " Press Enter to continue"
disp "make succeeded"
sudo make install
disp "make install succeeded"
disp "Download and install Firmware"
sudo wget http://www.tbsdtv.com/download/document/linux/tbs-tuner-firmwares_v1.0.tar.bz2
sudo tar jxvf tbs-tuner-firmwares_v1.0.tar.bz2 -C /lib/firmware/

# reboot

Linux Mint 21.1 kernel version 5.15.0-79-generic Cinnamon 5.6.8
AMD Phenom II x4 955 CPU 16Gb Dram 2TB Barracuda
David W. Hodgins
2023-08-16 19:36:46 UTC
Post by pinnerite
You will know that every time a new Kernel is installed, the old kernel
media modules must be destroyed while booted into the old kernel.
Then after rebooting into the new kernel, new modules must be compiled.
It is a pain in the proverbial a..e.
So I developed a script to automate the process. Read the instructions
at the top if you plan to use it. There is no guarantee that it is
perfect but I have tested it but on;ly on Mint 21.1
Post by pinnerite
if cd /opt
disp "About to delete /opt/media and /opt/media_build and contents"
sudo rm -Rf /opt/media
sudo rm -Rf /opt/media_build
disp " About to delete old driver modules"
sudo rm -rf /lib/modules/"$(uname -r)"/kernel/drivers/media
Make sure it only deletes the DVB modules, not everything in
/lib/modules/"$(uname -r)".

$ tree -ifa /lib/modules/"$(uname -r)"/kernel/drivers/media|wc -l

That's on a system without any DVB hardware or software.

I would recommend using a script that weekly or so checks for new source or

For compiling kernel modules look into how the various dkms (Dynamic Kernel
Module Support) packages for that distro work. With dkms, multiple kernel
versions are supported.

Regards, Dave Hodgins
2023-08-17 22:03:05 UTC
Post by pinnerite
You will know that every time a new Kernel is installed, the old kernel
media modules must be destroyed while booted into the old kernel.
Then after rebooting into the new kernel, new modules must be compiled.
It is a pain in the proverbial a..e.
I have the WinTV-quadHD from Hauppauge.
In the old days I used to have the dual tuner and reinstall was a bit of
a pain.
Then the drivers were incorporated into the kernel and saved my life.
I hope that they remain that way until I have gone

My lingering drama (because I always forget this) is to manually
install the firmware after a brief moment of despair when tuner is
recognized but fails to work.
Running KDE on x86_64 5.15.122-desktop-1.mga8
Mageia release 8