New status bar on top
(too old to reply)
Vincent Coen
2021-12-25 14:13:18 UTC
Hello All!

Over the last two days after some mag updates I now have a status bar at
the top of the screen as well as the normal one on the bottom.

How do I remove the blasted thing?

Mageia devs - Stop changing layouts, formats, functionality from previous
without request from the user !!!

Bit Twister
2021-12-25 16:05:40 UTC
Post by Vincent Coen
Hello All!
Over the last two days after some mag updates I now have a status bar at
the top of the screen as well as the normal one on the bottom.
How do I remove the blasted thing?
Helps if you provide some basic information pertaining to your problem.

Seems you have a DE (Desktop Environment) problem so it would help if
you provided which one being used. afterstep, awesome, Blackbox, cinnamon, dwm, Enlightenment, fluxbox,
Fvwm, fvwm2, fvwm-crystal, Gnome, i3, icewm, jwm, KDE, lightdm, lxde
matchbox, mate, openbox, pekwm, pewwm, plasma, razorqt, spectrwm,
sugar, swm, Unity, windowmaker, xbmc, Xfce,

I can recommend creating a signature file with basic system information.
Better would be a script which creates the signature which keeps the
sig file up to date. For example:

----8<----8<----8<<----8< cut below this line ----8<----8<<----8<----8<----8<<
#* gen_sig_file.sh - generate $HOME/.signature file Version 2.3
#* Automatically overwrites $HOME/.signature on each login
#* with basic information about your setup.
#* When you post to Usenet your Usenet client can append it to your
#* post which helps respondents to provide more detailed replies.
#* You need to place the script somewhere in your $PATH environment.
#* echo $PATH to see possible locations.
#* Save as gen_sig_file.sh
#* chmod +x gen_sig_file.sh
#* Script Test Procedure:
#* gen_sig_file.sh
#* cat $HOME/.signature
#* Install:
#* For all users:
#* cp gen_sig_file.sh /usr/local/bin/gen_sig_file.sh
#* chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gen_sig_file.sh
#* For a single user:
#* echo $PATH to see possible locations.
#* Users should use the autostart feature to run gen_sig_file.sh
#* to set the ST and DE values.
#* Login test:
#* click up a terminal
#* su - $USER
#* cat $HOME/.signature
#* There should be no =Unknown values. If so script should be
#* modified to generate a value, or just hard code a value.
#* Modify your Usenet client to add/append $HOME/.signature
#* to your posts and post a message in one of the Usenet test groups
#* to verify it works as desired.

# Sig_fn=$PWD/.signature

DE="Unknown" # Display Environment gnome, plasma, xfce....
DM="Unknown" # Display Manager lightdm, sddm, gdm, ...
KERNEL="Kernel=$(uname -r) on $(uname -m)"
ST="Unknown" # Session Type tty, x11, wayland or mir.

type -p lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
set $(lsb_release -d | grep Description)
if [ $# -gt 1 ] ; then

if [ -e /etc/os-release ] ; then
. /etc/os-release
fi # if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]

if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/desktop ] ; then
. /etc/sysconfig/desktop

if [ -n ${DISPLAYMANAGER:-"$DM"} ] ; then

if [ -n ${DESKTOP:-"$DE"} ] ; then

if [ -e $HOME/.dmrc ] ; then
set -- $(IFS='=' ; echo $(grep ion= $HOME/.dmrc))

if [ -n ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP:-"$DE"} ] ; then

if [ -n ${XDG_SESSION_TYPE:-"$ST"} ] ; then

if [ -e /etc/release ] ; then
DISTRO=$(cat /etc/release)

if [ $(uname -s) = "Darwin" ] ; then
DISTRO=$(sw_vers | sed -ne $'s/ProductVersion://p')

systemctl --quiet is-active $Service 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
set -- $( systemctl status $Service | grep PID: )
DM=$(echo $4 | tr -d '() ')

echo -en "-- \nRunning " > $Sig_fn
echo "$DISTRO using" >> $Sig_fn
echo "$KERNEL DM=$DM DE=$DE ST=$ST" >> $Sig_fn
echo "grub2 GPT legacy OS boot" >> $Sig_fn

if [ -x /usr/bin/lspcidrake ] ; then
lspcidrake | grep Card >> $Sig_fn

#***********end gen_sig_file.sh ***************************
2021-12-25 20:57:26 UTC
Post by Bit Twister
if [ -x /usr/bin/lspcidrake ] ; then
lspcidrake | grep Card >> $Sig_fn
#***********end gen_sig_file.sh ***************************
That has expanded a bit, Bits
I still use the almost original "short version"

I'm tempted to see what it outputs!

Running plasmashell 5.20.4 on 5.15.10-desktop-1.mga8 kernel.
Mageia release 8 (Official) for x86_64 installed via Mageia-8-x86_64-DVD.iso
David W. Hodgins
2021-12-25 15:59:19 UTC
Post by Vincent Coen
Hello All!
Over the last two days after some mag updates I now have a status bar at
the top of the screen as well as the normal one on the bottom.
The number of panels and location are controlled by configuration settings stored
in /home/$USER

Mageia updates do not alter files in /home
Post by Vincent Coen
How do I remove the blasted thing?
Which desktop environment (kde plasma, gnome, xfce, mate, etc.)
Post by Vincent Coen
Mageia devs - Stop changing layouts, formats, functionality from previous
without request from the user !!!
Package updates in the stable releases rarely introduce such changes, and such
updates are only allowed if they are required for security or important bug fixes,
and those fixes can not be applied to the current version.

Now, if you are running cauldron, ignore all of the above. Cauldron is the developers
playground. They are free to alter anything, including breaking things.

Cauldron is not intended to be suitable for users until it gets close to version

Regards, Dave Hodgins
2021-12-25 21:02:33 UTC
Post by Vincent Coen
Hello All!
Over the last two days after some mag updates I now have a status bar at
the top of the screen as well as the normal one on the bottom.
How do I remove the blasted thing?
Mageia devs - Stop changing layouts, formats, functionality from previous
without request from the user !!!
If it is KDE

the right click on the bar

select "Edit Panel"
select "More Options"
click Remove Panel

I have NOT tested this!!!
Running plasmashell 5.20.4 on 5.15.10-desktop-1.mga8 kernel.
Mageia release 8 (Official) for x86_64 installed via Mageia-8-x86_64-DVD.iso