Post by Bobbie SellersPost by Bit TwisterPost by Bobbie SellersPost by chrisThis has been a problem for some time. Running Mageia 8.
Every time I get a kernel update, Firefox functionality is lost: right
click doesn't work (I have to use the centre mouse button to open links
in a separate tab), menu buttons don't respond, nor does the three-line
settings button. These problems magically go away after using it for a
couple of days.
Well are you updating Firefox on a regular basis? I have Kernel
5.18.16 and Firefox 103.0.1 and do not notice that sort of problem.
I am impressed with your kernel release. Prinstion came up a day or so
ago and I thought I had to install the latest kernel.
$ uname -r
I just try whatever Bill Reynold packages and he is good at his work.
I am a simple minded user.
Post by Bit TwisterI have firefox-103.0.1.tar.bz2 installed/running and have not seen the
So you roll your own Firefox? You should not have any problems keeping
it running on an even keel.
Not rolling my own, Just downloading/installing latest release from the vendor site.
Same for Thunderbird into /local/opt so I do not overwrite Distribution install;
and put a link to it in /usr/local/bin.
$ type -a firefox
firefox is /usr/local/bin/firefox
firefox is /usr/bin/firefox
firefox is /bin/firefox
$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/firefox
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Aug 2 19:28 /usr/local/bin/firefox -> /local/opt/firefox-103.0.1/firefox
$ type -a thunderbird
thunderbird is /usr/local/bin/thunderbird
thunderbird is /usr/bin/thunderbird
thunderbird is /bin/thunderbird
$ ll -l /usr/local/bin/thunderbird
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 2 19:24 /usr/local/bin/thunderbird -> /local/opt/thunderbird-102.1.0/thunderbird
$PATH has /usr/local/bin before /bin to automagically run any /usr/local/bin
$ echo $PATH
firefox and thunderbird are from:
Post by Bobbie SellersPost by Bit TwisterSounds like a junk test account should be created to verify if the problem
is a user or system level problem.
A good idea for everyone along with frequent backups.
bliss - ancient of days..