Post by Jonathan N. LittlePost by pinneriteOn Mon, 17 Jul 2023 19:21:35 -0400
Post by PaulPost by pinneriteI cannot get Windows 10 to see samba shares on my reincarnated Mint 21.1.
I have tried every combination of min and max protocols.
Windows XP on the same configuration does see the samba shares.
I have come to the conclusion that I previously must have been using an earlier version of VirtualBox.
I had been using version 7.0.8 on this rig but it had annoying characteristics so I went back to 6.1.12. I have nothing earlier than that.
If anyone happens to be a VBox user and knows the answer. Plesase share.
I can carry on using VBox's shared directories but it is a niggle.
First you have to do
in Windows 10 and see what your VirtualBox has netted for an IP address
from the DHCP on your router (or not). You can run with default "NAT"
for the VBox choice or you can try "Bridged".
Without discussing all the security implications, these
are the settings in the Linux Host (I'm using LM212 Victoria Cinn for test here).
I did a "sudo apt install samba", before setting up my LM212 share. And,
I can see my Windows share, which for once, didn't put up a fight. I didn't
set up a test share in my home, and put it under slash instead. Just to get on
with it.
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server min protocol = NT1
server max protocol = smb3
client min protocol = NT1
client max protocol = smb3
client lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes
That should be enough to make a VBox WinXP and a VBox Win10 work.
Previously, there was an authentication issue (get the dialog,
enter the details of the Win10 box, and get rejected). It's possible
the auth lines helped.
Sadly I still get asked for my share's credentials which it rejects.
It shouldn't. They or rather it (the password) are correct. Thanks for trying.
WAG, on reincarnated Mint 21.1 did you add samba password for user?
sudo smbpasswd -a YOUR_USER_NAME
My test setup was like this. I tend to keep one account as
common to all the things where I expect to be doing smb/cifs.
LM212 physical Win10 pyhsical Win7 (no MSA possible???)
user=bullwinkle pw=password user=MSAname pw=MSApass
user=bullwinkle pw=password user=bullwinkle pw=password
The bullwinkle account is something I added to Win10
just for file sharing.
The MSAname is not a practical way of authenticating
This is not a Domain setup, so there isn't any coordination of SIDs.
The SID of bullwinkle on Win10, is not the same as the SID of bullwinkle on win7,
but this only matters when connecting the Win7 physical HDD to the Win10 machine
and "browsing" things with the usual Win7 ownership. The "implicit Takeown"
the File Explorer uses, allows stamping ownership on user directories,
so two SIDs can be assigned and I can "get in" and do stuff.
Apparently smb.conf has some sort of password sync, which
might imply that the smbpasswd and the Linux account and
passwd are handled the same somehow. Even though there
is the possibility of setting up Samba server on the
LM212 side, to use one of three different databases
for the password.
I tested this one, where the password value is the same on the two,
and the bullwinkle account worked to get me in. It's possible
installing samba, provided the smb.conf starting file, to which
I added my six line stanza.
(server) <=============================== (client)
LM212 Win10
user=bullwinkle pw=password user=MSAname pw=MSApass X Logged in, via MSA
user=bullwinkle pw=password <=== this makes the samba connection
unix password sync = yes \
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u \___ I did not set these...
pam password change = yes /
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m /
cat /var/lib/samba/usershares/topshared
The testfile in /topshared
ls -al /topshared
rwx r r nobody nogroup 5 WALLACE.txt
From Win10, I tried to edit the file and I was denied.
Then I notice /var/log/samba/log.wallace was updated a
minute or two ago.
Segmentation fault (/usr/sbin/smbd ? hard to tell)
And now I'm editing the file. See how neat it is, to
not read LOG FILES :-) The test file has five characters
in it "saved", which is from where I saved out my Notepad
session into the share, yesterday. And the nobody:nogroup
suggests I did this as Guest, and not as bullwinkle.
Well, at least there are plenty of moving part -- no complaint there :-)