William Unruh
2023-10-16 20:28:49 UTC
At my university, we have just gotten a panicy email about a libwebp
wide ranging vulnerability, Unfortunatly although long on dire warnings,
it was short on facts. It seemed to say that that there could be many
programs (in addition to Chrome) vulnerable (including all browsers, not just chrome)
, and seemed to imply that many
programs had compiled libwebp into the program.
Mageian has a /lib64/libwebp libraries which date back to Sept 26 2023,
and there seems to be an alert dated Oct 3
(https://lwn.net/Articles/946306/) which seems to impy that Mageia had
fixed this bug. But the week difference between libwebp files and the
advisory makes me wonder if it has been fixed in Mageia already.
Any insight and advice would be helpful.
wide ranging vulnerability, Unfortunatly although long on dire warnings,
it was short on facts. It seemed to say that that there could be many
programs (in addition to Chrome) vulnerable (including all browsers, not just chrome)
, and seemed to imply that many
programs had compiled libwebp into the program.
Mageian has a /lib64/libwebp libraries which date back to Sept 26 2023,
and there seems to be an alert dated Oct 3
(https://lwn.net/Articles/946306/) which seems to impy that Mageia had
fixed this bug. But the week difference between libwebp files and the
advisory makes me wonder if it has been fixed in Mageia already.
Any insight and advice would be helpful.