PCLOS 2022 XFCE - Addlocale is not working.
(too old to reply)
Bobbie Sellers
2022-11-30 22:35:25 UTC
First you join the PCLinuxOS Forum at
It is free to register to join.
On Usenet, I am a free man, with no registration or moderation. :)
You ask for help and you refer to an illusion of Feedeom tell me have
you managed to give uup the invidious habits of breath, ingestion and

Registration is not an onerous business and you might do that
using something like TOR. With alias for yourself and an otherwise
secure email address. You just need a user name and password which
you set to log in.

bliss - Dunning-Kruger effect has led to the current Climate Problems
not of individuals but the whole species.
bliss dash SF 4 ever at dslextreme dot com
Doug Laidlaw
2022-12-10 06:45:56 UTC
Post by Bobbie Sellers
First you join the PCLinuxOS Forum at
It is free to register to join.
On Usenet, I am a free man, with no registration or moderation. :)
You ask for help and you refer to an illusion of Feedeom tell me have
you managed to give uup the invidious habits of breath, ingestion and
    Registration is not an onerous business and you might do that
using something like TOR. With alias for yourself and an otherwise
secure email address.  You just need a user name and password which
you set to log in.
bliss - Dunning-Kruger effect has led to the current Climate Problems
not of individuals but the whole species.
Since you are a free man, you are free to search in the correct
newsgroup, where the folks are better equipped to help you, and we are
free to discard off-topic posts.

You are the second person I have met who talked like this. The first
wanted unlimited access to all my genealogy files, including living
individuals, because he "didn't believe in privacy." I asked him what
it would feel like if I pasted his profile everywhere on the Web. In
"3000-The final Odyssey", everybody had a microchip in their hand.
There were some individuals who objected, but they found life very
difficult, and so will you. Either you are a member of Society and
subject to its basic rules, or like them, you are not.
2022-12-10 09:25:25 UTC
Post by Doug Laidlaw
Post by Bobbie Sellers
First you join the PCLinuxOS Forum at
It is free to register to join.
On Usenet, I am a free man, with no registration or moderation. :)
You ask for help and you refer to an illusion of Feedeom tell me
have you managed to give uup the invidious habits of breath,
ingestion and digestion?
    Registration is not an onerous business and you might do that
using something like TOR. With alias for yourself and an otherwise
secure email address.  You just need a user name and password which
you set to log in.
bliss - Dunning-Kruger effect has led to the current Climate
Problems not of individuals but the whole species.
Since you are a free man, you are free to search in the correct
newsgroup, where the folks are better equipped to help you, and we
are free to discard off-topic posts.
You're replying to the wrong person, Doug. :p
With respect,
= Aragorn =
Bobbie Sellers
2022-12-10 15:42:35 UTC
Post by Aragorn
Post by Doug Laidlaw
Post by Bobbie Sellers
First you join the PCLinuxOS Forum at
It is free to register to join.
On Usenet, I am a free man, with no registration or moderation. :)
You ask for help and you refer to an illusion of Feedeom tell me
have you managed to give uup the invidious habits of breath,
ingestion and digestion?
    Registration is not an onerous business and you might do that
using something like TOR. With alias for yourself and an otherwise
secure email address.  You just need a user name and password which
you set to log in.
bliss - Dunning-Kruger effect has led to the current Climate
Problems not of individuals but the whole species.
Since you are a free man, you are free to search in the correct
newsgroup, where the folks are better equipped to help you, and we
are free to discard off-topic posts.
You're replying to the wrong person, Doug. :p
Indeed and how did you get this message from alt.os.linux.pclinuxos?

"ea" was the Original Poster asking for help
there. I was responding to him and he always raises
this objection fearful of being identified for some
reason. I know a man locally who did not want his
attendance at meetings or indeed Membership in the
SF-LUG to be known. That introduces an unexpected
level of difficulty in writing about a live in-person
LUG meeting. We are still meeting on the First Sunday
of Each month from 11 AM to 1 PM on jit.si meetings
and it is much simpler.<https://meet.jit.si/sf-lug.org>

Don't let Dunning-Kroger destroy your loved
ones just because you are not as smart as you thought
you were.

bliss- nearly any fool can run a GNU/Linux computer. Many do.
So here I am again...
bliss dash SF 4 ever at dslextreme dot com
2022-12-10 16:35:02 UTC
Post by Bobbie Sellers
Post by Aragorn
Post by Doug Laidlaw
Since you are a free man, you are free to search in the correct
newsgroup, where the folks are better equipped to help you, and we
are free to discard off-topic posts.
You're replying to the wrong person, Doug. :p
Indeed and how did you get this message from
Um, we're currently communicating through alt.os.linux.mageia, even
though the thread title references PCLinuxOS.
Post by Bobbie Sellers
"ea" was the Original Poster asking for help
I don't see any thread by him in alt.os.linux.pclinuxos. His thread
was posted here in alt.os.linux.mageia.
Post by Bobbie Sellers
I was responding to him and he always raises
this objection fearful of being identified for some
I know loads of people like that. Must be some predisposition with
paranoid delusion, I guess.
Post by Bobbie Sellers
Don't let Dunning-Kroger destroy your loved ones just because
you are not as smart as you thought you were.
Oh, I know I'm not as smart as I would have hoped to be, but that still
doesn't mean that I'm the only idiot in the world, or for that matter,
that I'd be the worst of them. :p

P.S.: It's Dunning-Kruger, not Kroger, and it works in two directions,
because smart people often tend to assume that everyone else
is just as smart as they are. :p
With respect,
= Aragorn =