Post by TJPost by faeychildDoes it overwrite the untainted? - having the same name and all
It doesn't exactly have the same name - the tainted version has
"tainted" on the end of the rpm name.
When there are tainted and non-tainted (core) versions of the same rpm,
Mageia's update tools consider the tainted version to be higher than the
core version, and so updates it in the normal fashion, by installing the
update first and removing the old package after.
Installing an update, which includes switching from the core to the tainted
version, replaces (writes new temp, unlinks old, renames temp to the proper
name) any files that have the same path and file name, and may write additional
files. Any files that were present in the old version, that are not in the
update, are unlinked and the info about the package including which files it
owns (aka package meta data) is then deleted from the rpm database in
It's the unlinking and renaming of files, as well database updates that are
the "uninstalling" part of a package update.
urpmi groups package installations into transactions, at the end of each
transaction. The urpmi database in /var/cache/urpmi which stores info about
which installed packages are required by other packages, is updated after the
end of each transaction
Unlinking (aka deleting) is removing the name and inode entry from from the
directory file in the file system, and freeing all inodes in use by the file.
The data in the file is still present until the part of the storage area
containing it is overwritten.
Regards, Dave Hodgins