Post by David W. HodginsPost by ArAll I can find out is "$MIRRORLIST". I don't know what specifics of
where it is linking to though.
Check using "urpmq --list-url".
Thanks .. the updates are not on that mirror.
urpmq --list-ur
Core Release (distrib1)
Core Release Debug (distrib2)
Core Updates (distrib3)
Core Updates Debug (distrib4)
Core Updates Testing (distrib5)
Core Updates Testing Debug (distrib6)
Core Backports (distrib7)
Core Backports Debug (distrib8)
Core Backports Testing (distrib9)
Core Backports Testing Debug (distrib10)
Nonfree Release (distrib11)
Nonfree Release Debug (distrib12)
Nonfree Updates (distrib13)
Nonfree Updates Debug (distrib14)
Nonfree Updates Testing (distrib15)
Nonfree Updates Testing Debug (distrib16)
Nonfree Backports (distrib17)
Nonfree Backports Debug (distrib18)
Nonfree Backports Testing (distrib19)
Nonfree Backports Testing Debug (distrib20)
Tainted Release (distrib21)
Tainted Release Debug (distrib22)
Tainted Updates (distrib23)
Tainted Updates Debug (distrib24)
Tainted Updates Testing (distrib25)
Tainted Updates Testing Debug (distrib26)
Tainted Backports (distrib27)
Tainted Backports Debug (distrib28)
Tainted Backports Testing (distrib29)
Tainted Backports Testing Debug (distrib30)
I just looked in to manually changing the mirror list and the updates
(and more) are there. So there must be something wrong with the UK
mirror in not having the up to date list. All of a sudden I have 37
files to download / update.